Best Sales Support Delivery : Tata Motors (Thailand) Co.,Ltd.
Preferred Quality Status Q1 : Ford
The Quality Reward : Kawasaki Motors Enterprise (Thailand) Co.,Ltd.
Car of the Year award, for TR Adventure Master, in the 'Thai Automotive Innovation' category, for the third consecutive year.
Named by Forbes Asia as one of the 200 best 'smaller' (annual revenue less than US$ 1 billion) public companies in the Asia-Pacific Region.
Car of the Year award, for TR Adventure Master, in the 'Thai Automotive Innovation' category, for the second consecutive year.
Car of the Year award, for TR Adventure Master, in the 'Thai Automotive Innovation' category. Prime Minister's Export Award in three categories: Best Exporter; Distinguished Brand; Distinguished Design
Granted ISO 14001 International environmental standards certification, from BVQI
Car of the Year award, for TR Xciter, from Grand Prix Magazine, for two consecutive years.
Authorised to use the 'Thailand's Brand' symbol for Thai products.
Received ISO 9001 international standard certification for vehicle design and assembly, and QS 9000 certification for auto body parts, from BVQI.
Received ISO 9002 international standard certification for auto body parts, from BVQI.
World Economic Forum, Geneva: named one of the top performing companies from East Asia.
Outstanding Entrepreneur and Designer of Industrial Products Award, from Ministry of Industry
Leading Factory of the Year Award
Environmentally and Hygienically Safe Industrial Factory Award, three consecutive years, from Bangkok Metropolitan Administration.
Outstanding Product, Category Vehicles and Parts; International Asia Award.
Outstanding Product, Category Modified Pick-up Truck